Investment Opportunity

Werrus AquaMarine is seeking to raise $15 million as the final prerequisite to commencing drilling operations at its first drill-ready location in Main Pass 295 on the Gulf of Mexico shelf offshore Louisiana.

Near to infrastructure and free from liabilities, AquaMarine’s assets are located in a prolific super basin and managed by a world-class team ideally equipped to quickly, safely, and profitably bring the project to commercial success.

The investment opportunity with Werrus AquaMarine represents a unique, low-risk, high-probability vehicle to play the Gulf of Mexico and potentially generate paybacks at the speed of shale but recovering as much as 7 to 10 times the resource.

Proposed Investment

3-well program investment in gulf of mexico shelf


A USD 15mn commitment is sought for a one-well program on Block MP295.

production profits investment opportunity gulf of mexico


Our partner will receive 90% of production profits in each well before payout and 50% thereafter.

Ownership in asset portfolio investment gulf of mexico

50 %

Upon investment commitment, our partner will receive 50% ownership in Werrus AquaMarine’s entire portfolio (3 blocks).

Investor/Partner Returns*

17-32 months payback

3.6 x 10 Year MOIC / 55% IRR (unlevered)

*Management estimations are based on certain assumptions.